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Le site web est inaccessible

bonsoir et un grand merci a tout le monde a chaque fois que je vais sure le cite j ai sa Une erreur système inattendue s'est produite. Nos administrateurs système ont été informés. Si le problème persiste, merci de contacter notre équipe de support. Een onvoorziene systeemfout opgetreden. O





Hello We had an appointment today from 8:00 to 1:00 ... But the technician is still not here ... Can you please confirm what time he will be here or if he is delayed .... Even if he comes late it is ok  Regd  Sumeet 


il y a 3 ans

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Status of my order number: 107329987112

Hello I have completed my order and wanted to know the next steps as to when the installation will happen or will a technician be sent to my house. my order number: 107329987112 Regds Sumeet  


J'ai dû faire 5 redemarrages (loading loading please wait pendant longtemps Bonjour, Ce message me fait plutôt penser que votre décodeur est un Voocorder et non une box Evasion. Si c'est bien le cas, essayez la procédure de remise en paramètre

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Ecran noir quelques secondes

Bonjour, J'ai un problème avec ma box. Il existe depuis que je l'ai (il y a 5 mois), mais c'était assez sporadique. Depuis quelques jours, cela apparait au moins une fois toutes les 10 minutes. Concrètement, quand je regarde la TV, l'écran devient noir et le son se coupe, durant quelques seco


@Thibault Well, the thing is I don't even see the price options, my plan was to study them a bit (if I could buy 2 for my kids). Now that I found out I can only buy one I would go for the Samsung A32 5G for number ending in *38 but I want to see the

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buy a mobile phone with a Data Option

I currently have 4 mobile subscriptions. In January a bought (for me personally) a mobile phone online by choosing to pay a Data Option for 24 months and paying a small down payment. Now I would like to to the same for two other numbers (for my kids) but no matter what device I select, I am redir


@roylion15 Hello again, if you don’t mind, please let me ask a question. After pushing the small hole, green light keep moving… When it stops, Wi-Fi is coming back automatically? Or I should do anything while the green light is moving??

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Modem is not working…

Dear, Hello, Voo experts, I need your help. my modem is not working suddenly… light of @: green light of ! : green However, light of Wi-Fi does not turn on… Could you please advise me how to fix this problem? Should we change the modem? Your advice is very much appreciated. Thank yo


Et pourtant, voici le message: Certain identifiable data may be collected during the test, such as your IP address, which may be shared with selected third parties. For further information on what is collected and how it may be shared, please see our

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Nouvelle version du Speedtest VOO

Bonsoir à tous & à toutes ! Ayant des problèmes de débit en heure de pointe notamment, je voulais me rendre sur le site afin de réaliser un test. Or je vois qu'il est devenu L'avez-vous remarqué ? Bonne soirée ;) P.S.: Je note que le serve


Hello I have being in house since morning no one has come to the house.  Can you please confirm when he can come here next ? When is the new appointment date ?  He can call me  Regds  Sumeet


il y a 3 ans

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Status of my order number: 107329987112

Hello I have completed my order and wanted to know the next steps as to when the installation will happen or will a technician be sent to my house. my order number: 107329987112 Regds Sumeet  


Bonjour Phiiil, Pourriez-vous me dire si le message « Loading, please wait » apparaît lorsque vous redémarrez électriquement votre VOOcorder, et votre télévision ? Pourriez-vous éventuellement joindre à votre prochain message une photo du message qu


il y a 6 ans

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"Signal faible ou inexistant" avec mon VOOcorder et double facturation

Depuis une quinzaine de jours, plus aucune image sur la télé. Seul ce message apparaît : "Signal faible ou inexistant" Nouvelle installation qui date de deux mois donc le matériel n'est pas en cause. Heureusement que je ne suis pas un accroc de la télé car, en 3 ans, le nombre de mois pendant lesque


Solution acceptée

FTP a travers NAT

J'ai installé sur une machine un server FTP et SSH qui fonctionnent parfaitement depuis les machines faisant partie du réseau lié au modem VOO. J'ai parmétré un DDNS sur qui me permet d'utiliser le SSH sans aucun problème. Le FTP ne fonctionne pa





Hi alloja, I think I've done already both things. the first seems what was asked by @cosmos1999 Hi@denis_rossi, The two first things you can do are: check the signal levels on the web interface of your modem. There’s a step-by-step guide in French, b

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No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out

Good morning,recentrly I'm having problems with the internet connection. More and more often the connection just drop during the day.When I was able to open the router page in the event log I noticed multiple CRITICAL messages "No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out".Just googling it there are t


Hi @Gilles N. , I would like to thank you for the help and support. I am getting experience so far with the new device 😊 I have another question for you if you can help - I am planning to move to a new location in Sterrebeek Zaventem this year. Woul

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Pathetic internet disruption

I have been experiencing pathetic experience with VOO internet since last week where internet goes down all of a sudden. After sometime it comes back again but damage is already done during the outage. This is so frustating and embarrasing especially during office meeting where you are discussing so


Thank you for your elegant tone of voice at VOO . As you may have seen in my previous messages, I attempted to cancel my subscription while I was still in Belgium. My phone number is currently deactivated, so I'm unsure about what you mean by 'data

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I have been trying to cancel my VOO MOBILE subscription for two months now. I have tried calling the hotline and no one ever picks up. I have sent several emails to the billing and administrative departments but I am still getting bills. I want to cancel this service now! How do I get someone to act


Cancelling sim card subscription

Hello, I would like to cancel my sim card subscription since I already moved out of Europe. I had tried to contact the Voo customer care on the phone number but I think the procedure was not completed. Therefore, can you please help me cancel my subscription and deactivate my sim card. I would pr





Can somebody look at this? Thanks!

Hello,I know these are difficult times for everybody. But I have asked since last week to cancel my mobile phone subscription through tickets starting of tomorrow but haven't heard anything back from Voo.Also I am having difficulties with having the name on the invoice changed for me. I already




Pathetic internet disruption

I have been experiencing pathetic experience with VOO internet since last week where internet goes down all of a sudden. After sometime it comes back again but damage is already done during the outage. This is so frustating and embarrasing especially during office meeting where you are discussing so





Cancel phone subscription

Hello! I'm trying to cancel my voo subscription since 3 weeks now. I've lost my phone and I have no sim card and I reported it but they still charge me and also at Les Grandes Prés they wouldn't provide me with a new sim card, they sent me to another store which was really inconvenient at the time.





Solution acceptée

La migration vers la box .évasion est-elle gratuite si j'ajoute un abonnement VOOmobile ?

Bonjour à tous, Je suis actuellement en TRIO PASSIONNÉMENT avec voocorder depuis 10 ans Le voocorder commence à donner quelques signes de fatigue Reboot presque systématique à l'allumage : loading please wait ... Je souhaite ajouter un GSM et passer à la BOX ... et profiter de la promo actuelle (





Solution acceptée


Problème récurrent Playstation 4. Lié a l'ip ?

Bonjour a tous, Je suis chez Voo avec un abonnement trio Wahoo depuis maintenant près de 4 mois. Alors certes ma vitesse a bien augmenté mais depuis que j'ai quitté belgacom je rencontre des difficultés de connections au PSN et des problème de NAT que je n'avais jamais eu avant. Alors, on me parl





ça n'aura pas duré longtemps! quelques heures plus tard, je rallume la tv et voici le message que je peux lire: "the connection between your tv and your VOO digital TV card has failed. Please remove your VOO Digital TV card and follow the proper ins

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En pratique quels téléviseurs compatibles pour la carte numérique

Bonjour, Je considère l'achat d'un nouveau téléviseur pour passer à la carte numérique, mais après avoir essayé une dizaine de modèles récents différents sur la page de compatibilité, la réponse est toujours la même, "We do not have the information required to guarantee the compatibility of your te
