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Selected Pertinence

Hello @GSS, Sorry for the delay. Our Forum is not the most "direct" way to contact us if you need quick information.But, I see that you called our call center, you must have had an informative voice message (indeed, this kind of communication is au

Internet outage Waterloo

This morning my routine started as usual and then just after 9AM, my internet dropped. It's almost 2hrs and the VOO modem is still trying to connect. And, yes the modem has been restarted. If any VOO person looking at this could assist with a time to fix the problem?


Would be cool to have an answer instead of arguing on my post!


il y a 3 ans

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Streaming bugg

Bonjour depuis 2 semaines YouTube disney et Netflix bugg sur ma smart tv. La télé via décodeur fonctionne normalement. J'ai essayé de brancher un rj45 mais rien n'y fait. Pouvez vous m'aider svp ?


Links removed and I contact the author of the comment.

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WIFI sur un routeur privé - routage spécial et Box Evasion / Voo motion

Bonjour à tous, Un collègue m'a conseillé d'installer PIHOLE. C'est un relais DNS qui bloque pas mal de site de pub et de tracker sur base de leurs entrées DNS. Il tourne sur un raspberry. Ca permet donc de protéger toute la maison . Pour faire cela, il faut fournir comme DNS le raspaberry qui hébe


Oui, League of Legend, tout les jeux sur Battle net (WoW, Hearthstone, Overwatch...)


il y a 8 mois

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Problème de connexion à certains services

Bonsoir, nous avons des problèmes de connexions à certains services type jeux vidéos. Nous arrivons à regarder des vidéos, du streaming mais impossible de se connecter à n'importe quel jeu? Quelqu'un aurait une solution? Merci,  Flora.


La qualité des programmes HBO n'est plus à démontrer avec des séries comme Game of Thrones, Allons-nous relancer ce débat ? Oui il a eu de la qualité dans Game of Thrones. Mais j'en garderai toujours un gout amer.Sinon, bien sûr que je vais regarder

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Chernobyl : la mini-série qui va vous contaminer

La qualité des programmes HBO n'est plus à démontrer avec des séries comme Game of Thrones, Westworld et d'autres petits plaisirs visuels. Avec Chernobyl, disponible sur Be tv dès le 29 juillet, le succès ne se fait pas attendre.Chernobyl : une bombe cinématographiqueAvec un titre pareil, on se dout


Hello, The upgrade of the modem bring you back to the 400 Mbps profile. Unfortunately, you have to wait until the 1st of December , as the new speed is always available the first day following a change....

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Installed the 1 Gbs but I have only 400 Mbs

Hello , Recently I installed the 1Gbs option, it was activated last week, and immediately I could measure speeds as 710 Mbs max. This week the installer came in order to upgrade the modem and since than, with the new Technicolor modem, I can barely arrive at 350-400 Mbs. I am in Woluwe Saint Pi


Solution officielle

Internet problem in Casteau

Again without internet in Casteau!! I am trying to contact VOO support but I can't!!!! A lot of problems with internet the last period. Maybe is time to change VOO





Cancel the internet subscription

Hello, I would like to cancel the subscription on 31 October 2022 because I am leaving the country. If I remember correct this is a combo of Internet, TV, mobile. I want to cancel all of them.I have tried many times the previous days the phone number provided by your colleagues, but the line is n





How about morning of Friday 18th for a service visit ?


il y a 9 mois

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Gigamax - how many people actually achieve it ?

Hi, How many people actually get close to the advertised Gigamax speeds ? You see lots of complaints in the Forem but maybe the happy people never post :) My contract says 1000/20 and the best I ever get is about 400/20 Channel162 OFDM is present and locked. Technicolour modem in bridge mod


Hi, It is on the 30th of August between 13h00 and 17h00.

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Status of my order number: 107329987112

Hello I have completed my order and wanted to know the next steps as to when the installation will happen or will a technician be sent to my house. my order number: 107329987112 Regds Sumeet  


To attach a screenshot (jpg only), you must click on the icon "2 mountains and a sun" in the window where you type. Sorry, but I haven't got a clue of what is Play5. The full list of available channels is here


il y a 1 an

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Could you kindly let me know how many channels I can watch on my Android via the voo app. I know for example that I cannot access the BBC.  Thank you very much. Have a good weekend


No Internet Connection

Hi,We are currently cut off of the internet (Brussels, 1060) and it seems to be that the router is unable to connect to the internet. Reboot, restoring factory settings and change of IP has not solved the problem. Customer No: 21931743Could you kindly help out - urgently needed for work!Thanks in ad





Quand est-ce que betv diffuse GAME OF TRONES EN FRANCAIS ????Svpl Il me semble que la discussion à complètement dévié sur un débat complètement irréel sur les connaissances de certains et leurs facultés à multiplié les complications à répondre à un

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Game of Trones saison 8 en français

Bonjour, je recherche l'horaire des épisodes en version française. Je viens de me rendre compte que c'est diffusé en ce moment en français sur betv. merci d'avance


Australian Open Tennis 2022

Will VOO be offering its clients the possibility of seeing the Australian Open Tennis?





Subscription duration

I just subscribed to Internet solo with the promotion offer 6 months discount of the price. However I didn't see anywhere what is the duration of the contract. (I know after 6 months the payment will be 52, not 38 euro anymore) but where can I see for how long is the subscription?





Solution acceptée

Hi @b_chris21, I'm not sur if you're aware of this, but the appointment was not possible the 08/12. The agenda was already full.   It's been planned on the 9th of December in the afternoon (between 1pm and 5pm). Would that work for you ?

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TV Box Installation

Hello! I have upgraded my program from internet only (400 Solo Max) to TRIO MAX NET+TV+MOB. I already have internet installed. I have received today and activated the SIM Cards. I booked an appointment for TV Box Installation on the 8th of December but today I had a voice message (unfortunately f


Hello,Vous êtes probablement sur un CGN ( IP privée) Pouvez vous me donner les 2 premières séries de chiffres de votre adresse IP WAN dans le diagnostic du modem VOO ?Si votre IP WAN commence par 10.X vous êtes en IP privée et il faut demander à VOO

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Opening port does not work (linux)

Hi all,please feel free to answer in French, my reading skills are ok, my writing skills poor to say the least.I've been trying to open a port on my machine to the outside world but I can't get it to work. Some info: OS: Linux Mint (17.2 Rafaela) Voo Netgear router in router mode. Cabled connection


Hello @bvijaycom, It is the only way to cancel a contract with our society. Rest assured that speaking english agents are available when you call this number. I can notice that you have touch someone, the date of the cancel is the 21 of this month


il y a 1 an

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want to cancel my internet

I have called 080080025 and 078505050...i dont know french.Keep getting different different number to call.But all medium is not english speaking. Could you please help me to cancel my subscription


Game of Thrones - La mère et ses dragons

Salut à Tous, De la même manière que Voo modernise son réseau, HBO modernise ses dragons. D'abord deux images des dragons "avant modernisation" Puis des images de la modernisation des dragons.
