Profil de cupcake20x12



50  messages

samedi 26 septembre 2020 15:37

VOO SPORT 1, 2, 3

Do we no longer get these 3 channels as part of the Quatro Maxi package?

Top Expert


43.6K  messages

il y a 4 ans


You need to activate the option in your client area MyVOO . 
it’s free but not automatically activated. 



50  messages

Thank you but it is only the ELEVEN sports that are free. You have to pay for the VOO Sport World 1, 2, 3. VOO very kindly gave us these channes last month.

Top Expert


43.6K  messages

Yes ...

Eleven pro league 1,2,3 replace voo sport (Belgian foot ball) not voo sport world ...

La charte | Le Forum VOO

PACK « TRIO GIGA MAX » | CGA4233 Mode Bridge | Routeur ASUS GT-AXE16000 + GT-AX11000 AiMesh. 

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