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Change Voo Billing details

Hello, I wanted to change the Billing of my subscription to my spouse's name. Please guide me with the process for the same. Thanks





Merci Cedric, et pour ce qui est du problème de billing remonté par télénet? après je vous laisse tranquille:grin:


il y a 5 ans

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Problème VOOmobile : services inaccessibles

bonjour à tous, voila depuis lundi, je ne sais plus ni appeler ni envoyé de sms ni me connecté avec mes data. le problème de ne viens pas de la carte sim (changée mardi passé) ni du téléphone (testé avec une autre carte sim et fonctionnel). j'ai contacté l'assistance VOO qui me dis qu'ils n'on jama


Hello Naveen, I've noted the payment from the store. I will forward your feedback to the billing department and will get back to you as soon as possible with updates :) Have a great weekend,

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Issue with bill generated this month

Hello Team i have received bill payment for this month again which i have already paid for the wifi booster driver. Thanks Naveen


ok thanks, Today I tried calling 04/2664114 and able to speak in English, although they tried transferring call to the billing department later call got discounted. Can you assist me to re-arrange the call back option ?

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Termination of phone service

Hi, I have already submitted few tickets on my phone number usage and wanted to cancel or terminate your phone service. I have also scheduled call last week but I did not receive call from Voo. I wanted to cancel the Voo phone service, since your changing on top of internet.  Initially y


Hello @Tidei I see that our services have cancelled your subscription as of 02/08.   I notice that this number has billings for the month of July. Unfortunately, I can't intervene in the billing for this period.   However, the colleague y

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Delete mobile subscription

Hello, I have been trying to close my subscription since June. I first asked to delete both internet and mobile subscription, and only internet was removed. then I noticed that mobile subscription was still running and I called multiple times, from June to September, to delete it. everytime they


It is possible to move your current subscription to the new address. In general, the subscription is cut off at the old address the day before the move. If you move in on January 03, the subscription can be cut on January 02. It is true that if yo

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Moving address but need to keep internet at both new and old address for 2-3 weeks

Hi there - I have a small question about moving my subscription from one address to another. We are due to move over the weekend of 2-3 January but we will have the keys to new flat next week. Is it possible to arrange the connection to voo in the new place while also keeping internet from my curre



I have been trying to cancel my VOO MOBILE subscription for two months now. I have tried calling the hotline and no one ever picks up. I have sent several emails to the billing and administrative departments but I am still getting bills. I want to cancel this service now! How do I get someone to act




Toujours pas de réponse à mon post d'il y a 3 heures, vos services son t'ils si incompétents ? Un de vos collaborateur avec qui j'ai eu un contact téléphonique dimanche m'a fait part du faite que télénet aurait découvert qu'il s'agirait d'un problème


il y a 5 ans

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Problème VOOmobile : services inaccessibles

bonjour à tous, voila depuis lundi, je ne sais plus ni appeler ni envoyé de sms ni me connecté avec mes data. le problème de ne viens pas de la carte sim (changée mardi passé) ni du téléphone (testé avec une autre carte sim et fonctionnel). j'ai contacté l'assistance VOO qui me dis qu'ils n'on jama


Hello Gokce, Your pack has been canceled on 15/12/2022.For mobile billing, I transfer your message to the service concerned, you will receive an answer as soon as possible ;)Have a good day


il y a 1 an

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How to cancel mobile subscription?

Hi, I moved my mobile and internet to Orange and they were supposed to deal with the cancellation. It look that the tv/internet transfer is done properly but not the mobile phone. So last week I received a new invoice for Voo mobile. Can you please guide me to the process of cancellation?


Hello @Jakaitis, Sorry, I've got the wrong file! There is an active number on your file. If you want to stop the subscription and keep the active number on a prepaid, you'll simply need to port the number in that case. The last thing we need t

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I have been trying to cancel my VOO MOBILE subscription for two months now. I have tried calling the hotline and no one ever picks up. I have sent several emails to the billing and administrative departments but I am still getting bills. I want to cancel this service now! How do I get someone to act


Bonjour, Voilà, après avoir contacté la moitié du département financier / billing, j'ai enfin des nouvelles concrètes. :)   Le remboursement est planifié sur le bon compte. Normalement, et s'il

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Bonjour, Le 19 septembre j'ai résilié mon contrat télé distribution, j'ai demandé le remboursement du solde, ce qui a été fait le 13 octobre mais sur un autre compte que le mien! Depuis plus rien, j'ai déjà appelé plusieurs fois
