vendredi 19 janvier 2024 11:29

Issue with bill generated this month

Hello Team

i have received bill payment for this month again which i have already paid for the wifi booster driver.



Top Expert


22K  messages

il y a 1 an


If not yet done, putt your customer number in your forum profile.

Are you talking about purchasing equipment? It may just be the invoice in case you need to claim warranty to have proof of purchase

Anyway, the officials shall look at that.

5  messages

il y a 1 an

yes i recently bought the voo wifi boooster. But i see the QR code to pay in bill generated. bit confused

i have already updated my customer number as well in my forum profile.


Officiel VOO


4.2K  messages

il y a 1 an

Hello Naveen, I've noted the payment from the store. I will forward your feedback to the billing department and will get back to you as soon as possible with updates :) Have a great weekend,

5  messages

il y a 1 an

Thanks a lot .

Officiel VOO


4.2K  messages

il y a 1 an

Hello @Naveen Kumar Sugumar,

The relevant department has sent you an e-mail confirming receipt of payment dated 10/01/24.

The correction has been made.

I remain available.

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