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Home connection in Arlon - Again

Now it's recurrent, everyday there's a connection problem at my house. During the weekend, when it worked, the speed was 30.3Mbps /10.4Mbps. Tee contracted speed is 200mbps...I'm thinking on changing the provider because this is really bad service. 





According to Telenet the problem is related to Voo. I would like to have clear communication. If Voo and Telenet claim that you can use each others network (homespot) I would like to see this in reality. My parents took telenet abonnement so I can us

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Security certificate problems when connecting Voo (with Telenet pasword)

Hi, Since yesterday I have problems to connect to Wi-Free (Voo Homespot). I get popup screen with : Problems with Security Certificate. I cannot login to https:// sites like my email I can access http:// sites and also google seems to work. Is there something changed last 24 hours in the settings or


all this with his colleague on the phone, he told me that the problem was from the street. vidmate mobdro

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Problème de connexion (variation de signal).

Bonjour, j'habite a Orcq(Tournai) et depuis 1 semaine ma connexion est catastrophique. Un technicien est passé deux fois. La première fois il a changé le décodeur qui se faisait un peu vieux et la remplacé par le technicolor. Il est revenu ce matin car le changemen


Hello @srialmaster, The network service says that the problem should be solved around 4:30PM today. Sorry for the inconvenience 😌


il y a 1 an

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Internet down - Naast 7062

My internet has been down all night in Naast, 7062. I have reset the modem several times and the internet will not connect.


If neither SIM card works in your phone, changing the antenna will not help.It is better to see this problem with Appel, because your SIM reader seems to be defective.

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Network call/messages problem.

Hello, On 10/1/23. we started using a VOO subscription. I had a problem with the sim card activation for the first time, somehow I managed to activate it on my iPhone SE(2022). Everything worked fine until two days ago when my phone could not connect to the network. Sim card working just fine on my


Autant pour moi je n'ai pas suivi ce que tu as voulu dire. Mille Excuses Heu, no problem ! C'est compliqué ces trucs et on s'y perd tellement vite.


il y a 7 ans

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Pas de connexion vpn vers mon synology - Technicolor

Bonjour, j'ai un soucis de vpn. J'ai ouvert les ports comme il faut pour le vpn. Cependant quand je vais sur des sites d'adressage ip, il me dit quand même que certains ports ne sont p


Solution acceptée

Hello To solve the problem , perform a factory reset of the modem !

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Wifi not turning on(Technicolor modem)

Yesterday around 1400 my wifi stopped working on my Technicolor modem. I have restarted the modem several times. It always has a stable @ light, but the wifi won't turn on. I followed the steps in the guide to turn on the wifi, hold the button for 10 seconds. But when I touch or h


Merci, Nostromo :) @roylion15 : routeur débranché, 2 appareils câblés sur le nouveau modem, no problem (à mon avis le bridge ne s'est pas fait ou a été désactivé) ^^

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Modem technicolor : obligé de connecter mes câbles RJ45 sur le modem

Bonsoir, c'est de nouveau l'emm... quiquineuse, voilà, le nouveau modem est installé, le problème est que 3 appareils ici sont toujours sur câble, et qu'avec l'ancien modem il fallait un routeur - ce qui n'est plus le cas, mais les câbles doivent être branchés sur le modem sinon aucune connexion via


The macbook with the adaptor and ethernet cable is stably downloading at 340+mbps, so the problem is my macmini's oldtimer driver I suppose... I'll see to it. Thanks anyways! ;)

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400 mbps non atteint

400 mbps non atteint Bonjour, Je suis passé récemment de 125 mbps à 400 mbps mais je n’atteint pas les 400 mbps sur le speedtest, je suis plutôt en dessous de 100 mbps. Mon modem est le netgear cg3700B, je l’ai redémarrer plusieurs fois mais rien ne cha


Same problem here in 1150 WSP. Would be good if someone from VOO could reply here in this forum instead of all clients calling them and blocking their help desk...


il y a 11 mois

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Plus de connexion internet

Bonjour, je n'ai plus de connexion internet et le no d assistance semble saturé. Y a t il une possibilité d avoir un support pour établir la connexion?


Internet outage 1150 area Brussels

Hi, my internet doesn’t work since the morning. Client number 0021923305. Is there a problem with outage and when will it be solved? thank you!





Hello @gkalayci, Do you have the problem with all the contents of "Be tv" or only some contents meet the error ? Do you see an error code (E52, E58...) ? Does this also happen with other VODs (news, weather, free VOO movies,...)? Does the pr

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Be à la demande

Each time I try to watch a movie on be a la demande, the tv says ‘failed to play, press ok to watch tv. Try again later” but why????


@charlesdr Hi, Thanks for help. probably it is problem in all  Woluwe Saint Piere. Lukas


il y a 3 ans

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internet wifi modem which has not working since to day 19 03 2021 at 13 00 hrs.

the internet wifi modem which has not working since to day 19 03 2021 at 13 00 hrs in Woluwe Saint Pierre 1150???


Hello Andrea, I notice a problem in the area. The relevant department has been informed and will intervene as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. I remain available.

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Internet Outage 1150

There is again an internet outage in the area of 1150. It's since 10:45 that I have been connected with my mobile. Yesterday there was another and last week another one. Please fix the problem.


I have iPhone 11 pro max and i have a problem only with the Voo cell. other phone number which on eSim works perfectly. and all sim cards that was before worked without any problems. 


il y a 1 an

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Nobody can call me.

Hello. If nobody calls me or i call myself for a long time. As a result nobody can call me. and after that i am receiving a sms about This person has tried to reach you 1 time without leaving a message. The last attempt took place on 04.05, at 17:42.


J'ai payé les montants des bulltins de virements au bas des deux factures. Maintenant si je dois deux euros no problem mais je voudrais comprendre :D Pour le futur j'ai fait la demande de domiciliation.

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Premières factures payées partiellement

Bonsoir, Je reçois mes deux premières factures pack et mobile, je n'attends pas la date et fais mes virements des deux montants mentionnés et maintenant sur myvoo je vois payement partiel reste deux euros à payer ?? Je comprends pas bien, merci si un habitué passe par ici. Bonne soirée André


Hi @anup1664, Does this kind of problem appear only when you are driving or when you are in a static situation too ?   If you lose the connection when you are on the highway, it will be difficult to do something for that because this kind


il y a 1 an

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Frequently Lose Mobile Internet Connection

Hi, I have reported this before but didn't follow up on it. I very often lose mobile internet connection. This happens while driving along the E19 on the West of Brussels and also around La Hulpe, particularly at Chateau de la Hulpe. Can you help?
