mardi 13 février 2024 16:16


Since a few hours my connection at home (ARLON) is not working.

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9  messages

il y a 11 mois

Service return after 21h. It's sad that no warning was given and no other information on time of waiting. And we are paying for this service.


Top Expert


21.9K  messages

il y a 11 mois


If not yet done, putt your customer number in your profile.

Officiel VOO


1.3K  messages

il y a 11 mois

Hello @cbarbosa,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience. A breakdown is currently affecting your region 😔
My colleagues are doing their utmost to resolve the problem quickly.

9  messages

il y a 11 mois

thank you for the info. Do you have an estimation of when i can enjoy my internet again?? 

Officiel VOO


1.3K  messages

il y a 11 mois

I'm really sorry, but I don't have any information on this subject at the moment 😔

Officiel VOO


2.7K  messages

il y a 11 mois

Hi @cbarbosa,


Sorry to read that. We try to warn when we can. It is not always easy because, most of the time, we intervene on an emergency basis.


I can see that our technicians need to work on the outside network until the 16th until the end of afternoon. Sorry for the troubles it may cause.

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