


8  messages

mardi 13 septembre 2022 09:59

Request to termination of VOO Connection as I will switch to Orange.

Hi VOO Team,

I recently joined Orange Belgium as their employee and would like to use benefit of employee discount, hence I would like to terminate the home internet connection with VOO (I think soon both companies will be operating together after the process of acquisition is completed).

I called to the number 042664114 on 09 Sep 2022 to place the termination request, but the representative said she cannot understand English well and said she will ask someone to call me back, but as of now I did not receive the call. Could you please create the termination request, below are details :

Customer no: **********

Termination Date requested: 20 Sep 2022.

Current Internet plan : "Solo Relax"


Top Expert


21.3K  messages

il y a 2 ans


Attention, no personnal data are allowed on the forum, you need to write it in your profile only.

When you have made the subsription with orange, don't you have ask to use the "easy switch" ? if yes, this is orange who need to ask the canceling of of your voo subsciption.



8  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately I realized that the Easy Switch is not selected by the agent after the request is made. They said it cannot be changed and hence asked me to get the Voo termination done by myself. Hence I called "**********", but it could not work out due to language issue as mentioned. 




8  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Gilles N. Could you please help me with placing a termination request

Officiel VOO


4.1K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Good evening @njramu


I've modified your messages in order to keep your client number private.

As mentioned by @Marcsyou cannot post that kind of information.


Regarding your enquiryunfortunately, the only way to cancel your subscription is calling the 04/266.41.14.

When you call the numberyou should have an automated message where you can choose your language

If you choose English, you will have someone able to take the call and process your request.


Is your internet already active with your new provider ? If that is not the case, they can use the Easy Switch process to facilitate the change.


Keep me posted !



8  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Gilles N. I tried calling the number again, but there is no option to chose the language to English. The call is directly answered by someone and they speak only French. My wife tried to speak in bit and pieces of little French she knows but somehow the agent disconnected the call without logging our request. Honestly this is very frustrating. In the era of Information Technology we still rely on phone calls. If me being an employee of Telecommunication company Orange feel like this what would other expats feel like? I sincerely request you to help me to place the termination request.


Officiel VOO


4.1K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @njramu,


As already indicated, I do not have the possibility of registering your request for cancellation, only the cancellation service can do it. You have to try to call them again, I don't know how to do anything more at my level.




8  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Gilles N. 

OK, I will take help of some friend who speaks French and call them again.



8  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Gilles N. I finally managed to place the termination request via the customer support and received the final invoice and bpost sticker to return the modem. However I have one last question. Since the connection is terminated only after 15 days of use in the month, is it not that the invoice is calculated on prorated basis for 15 days? Right now I received the invoice which mentions the full month until end of Sep. 

Officiel VOO


4.1K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @njramu,

I'm glad to hear that!

Indeed, the invoice was issued before the termination and therefore includes the entire month.

Don't worry, you will receive the corrected invoice within a few days.

I remain available.



8  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Gilles N. Thanks for the confirmation  

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