


2  messages

lundi 18 janvier 2021 09:50

Cancel Voo Internet Subscription


I am moving to a new address from 01/02 and got to know that Voo does not cover that area. I have already talked to a new internet provider for my new address. I want to cancel my voo internet subscription in my present address by the end of the month. I called over 078505050 and was informed that concerned department will call me but I have not received callback in last 2 weeks. I checked contact form but I cannot find where I can put termination date. Can you kindly help by providing necessary steps to cancel voo internet subscription


Top Expert


21.1K  messages

il y a 3 ans


For one official answer don't forger to write your customer number in your profile if it is not already there.

Officiel VOO


3.9K  messages

Hello @arpychaturvedi,


As @Marcs indicates, can you go and indicate your customer number in your profile please?


I await your return;)




2  messages

Its already updated in the field 'Indiquez votre numéro de client (BPID)' do I need to update somewhere else as well?

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