


7  messages

dimanche 2 octobre 2022 08:00

Payment paid not reflected

Hi team,

I have made payment on 19th September 2022, but still my outstanding shows pending for August and September!!!

On September we got mail to pay 72,25 euros, we paid but still we have outstanding balance!

Citoyen d'honneur


2.7K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Waouw !  En mettant votre numéro de téléphone sur un forum publique, vous allez recevoir pas mal de spam...  Et c'est contraire à la charte.


Top Expert


43.9K  messages

il y a 2 ans



What is forbidden on the VOO forum ?

  • Providing personal information

Please delete all personal information from your post.

your customer number must only be in your forum profile not in public.


Top Expert


21.6K  messages

il y a 2 ans


Are you sure that the paymant was made on the good bank account, and with the right communication ?

Are you also sure that there is not another old fergottent payment still due ? 

With your customer number in your profile, one official voo will check your situation and answer you what is going on.

Officiel VOO


3.9K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @Shashank,


Could you please complete your Forum profile with your customer number as requested above?
We can see what's going on.

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