


6  messages

jeudi 10 février 2022 18:21

concerning installation and activation fee.

Hi, I am a new customer of Voo internet in Mons, Belgium. I have recently ordered the internet ( solo relax 125 Mbps ) plan. According to the plan, the installation and activation were free. But when I received the bill I am charged for installation and activation costs which I don't find right. Can anyone suggest to me something to do?

Top Expert


21.3K  messages

il y a 2 ans


It's depend what you have.

If you chose a gift (like a tv of wathelse) you will pay the installation and the activation.

Put your customer number in your profile, so a official will be able to check your subscription to see if all is right.



6  messages

il y a 2 ans

Thank you so much for replying #Marks. I am not at all aware about any gift I received because when the person came to install he didn't tell us anything about any gift and with the plan I also didn't see any such information.


Top Expert


21.3K  messages

il y a 2 ans

I don't work for voo, so i can't check your subscription, you need to wait a official, if they not come today, i hope the will chek it tomorrow.

Attention, your customer number must be placed in your profile and not in this subject.



2.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @swalesh ,

If you ordered via the VOO web site, the activation and installation fees are indeed voided.

However, if you ordered by phone, then I am afraid they are due.

A VOO official will look at your case tomorrow and give you an answer by then.

Please, note that this a public forum and consequently no private information should be disclosed. You should then edit your message and delete your customer number.

Instead, write it down in your profile. 


Officiel VOO


4.8K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @swalesh,


I see that you asked for the promotion, but it wasn't applied. I've sent your request to the approriate deparment, you'll have news about it in a few days at most.


Sorry for the inconvenience.



6  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @Antoine L

Thank you so much for taking a look and forwarding my request.  The thing was that I had to pay the bill as it was its due date and I didn't want to pay any late fee. so I just paid the amount asked of me but I hope that after this matter resolves I would get the refund according to the offer because of which I selected Voo rather than the other options.



6  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @Antoine L ,

It's been three days and I haven't heard anything about my request. Is this normal or is it delayed in my case only? one more thing is that I have already paid the bill on the due date without any delay still in my profile it is showing an outstanding amount. 

Officiel VOO


2.4K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @swalesh,


The ticket has been created on Friday. It has been only 24h of working days. Thank you for your patience.



6  messages

il y a 2 ans

hello @Christophe C,

I still haven't heard anything about my query regarding activation and installation charges which I paid even if they were free in the offer.

Officiel VOO


2.4K  messages

il y a 2 ans



I sent an email to take your case in charge ASAP. Thank you.



6  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @Christophe C,

while writing this time I am literally sad that once again I have to write here for such a small thing. As you can see that the last time I wrote here was 12 days ago. In between these days, I got a call from VOO which I couldn't take due to work so I called back and then they said to me that I will receive a call from them on Monday. Already two Mondays are passed and I am still waiting for that Monday when I'll be able to get that precious call. 

The only thing which I asked you that the offer which I bought was offering me some free stuff and why I didn't get that. You just have to answer me whether will I get that offer or not. If not then why? If yes then how will you return my money which I have already paid you for activation and installation? Is that really tough? 

One more thing I am mentioning here is that I am new to this place so language is a barrier for me. so it would be really kind of you if you please use English speaker on call to convey the information to me. 

Hope I am writing the last time here. 



2.1K  messages

il y a 2 ans



The credit note and the proposed gratuity have been made because I see them in the file. 

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