1  message(s)

mercredi 20 novembre 2024 06:42

Témoin @ clignote rouge


Depuis hier le témoin @ du modem clignote rouge et n’avons plus de wifi.

Nous avons déjà suivi toutes les instructions (vérifier les câbles, éteindre,…)

pouvez-vous aider ?

Merci d’avance

18  messages

il y a 1 mois

We're living in Waterloo, and I have the same problem.

VOO sent us an SMS 45mins ago, but till now it is still down.

Any updates, on this site would be appreciated as I am sure a lot of people are working-from-home, and rely on these connections today.

Citoyen d'honneur


2.7K  messages

il y a 1 mois

Bonjour @Mter 

Si le voyant "@" clignote en rouge, il y a fort à parier que vous n'avez plus d'internet et pas seulement du WiFi.  Dans ce cas, et si vous avez suivi les instructions, vous devez appeler le service client au

18  messages

il y a 1 mois

@bulrog I do not understand why I need to call a national rate number (078xxxx) for an issue that VOO is already aware of and have sent an engineer out to fix.  How does that benefit any VOO customer?

It is more useful for all customers that VOO inform us when it is down (already done), updates of how the fix is coming along (not done yet), when they have full confirmation that it is fixed.
I hope they are seeing this post as this is not the 1st time and will not be the last.

At least having good preemptive customer service skills will build confidence in the provider/company whatever the problem is.

By the way, the service is still down...almost 2hrs now...

Citoyen d'honneur


2.7K  messages

il y a 1 mois

@GSS Ma réponse était destinée à @Mter 

Officiel VOO


1.7K  messages

il y a 30 jours

Bonjour @Mter ,


Je vois que votre modem est en ligne à présent. Tout fonctionne correctement ?


Hello @GSS ,

There was a general breakdown in your area, but this has now been resolved.
Sorry for the inconvenience

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