


3  messages

mardi 26 novembre 2024 07:03

Plus de connexion internet

Bonjour, je n’ai plus de connexion à internet depuis cette nuit, les voyants clignotent rouge.



9  messages

il y a 25 jours

I am facing the same problem. It started about 20 minutes ago. Internet connectivity light is just flashing red with no Internet connection. 



9  messages

il y a 25 jours

My Internet connection is now back on by itself after over an hour. 

Officiel VOO


1.5K  messages

il y a 25 jours

Bonjour @Menninger,


Je vois qu'une panne impactait votre région ce matin, navrée pour les désagréments occasionnés.
Est-ce que tout fonctionne depuis ? Votre modem semble en ligne depuis la fin de la matinée.


@Ladbell There was also an outage in your aera, glad to know everything is OK now ! Apologies for the inconvenience.



3  messages

il y a 25 jours

Bonjour Madame. Je viens juste de renterer a la maison et de redemarrer mon router derrier votre modem. Oui, ca fonctionne en nouveau... Merci...

3  messages

il y a 24 jours


The second day there is no internet connection, flashing red. Rue XXXXXXXXX


Officiel VOO


1.4K  messages

il y a 23 jours

Hi @Dmitrijus,


Please, do not mention your private information here, everyone has access to it. For your own safety, never disclose personal information publicly. So I've edited your message, we have access to your file and therefore necessarily to your address.


Your modem is the only one disconnected from the zone. There is no general outage.
Can you check all your connections and reset the modem to factory settings by inserting a toothpick or other sharp object for about ten seconds into the small opening at the top of the back of your modem?

If this doesn't work, let us know and we'll probably send a technician to your home.

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