


8  messages

dimanche 12 juillet 2020 10:26

No signal


It’s been weeks now since I started losing internet signal on daily basis and frequently enough to make it impossible to work from home. I’ve called technical service on numerous occasions and had 2 technicians come to my home to try and fix it. Unfortunately, all they did was to change a modem—twice—although I explained it was unlikely it was the modem that was causing the issue after it had already been replaced once.

I was further instructed to try and reset my modem but that did not help and restarting does not seem to work either. Now I’m stuck with this terrible on and off signal (off at the moment for probably an hour already), and with no idea what else to do, so I’m reaching out one last time before deciding to change my internet provider.

All and any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Officiel VOO


4.8K  messages

il y a 4 ans



I'll need your customer number to be able to check your internet connection. You should add it in your profile, then add a comment in this topic.



8  messages


Thank you for your reply. My name was already in my profile but I have now added my customer number as well.


Officiel VOO


4.8K  messages

I'm sorry, but I can't find your name or your customer number in your profile. Could you check it ?



8  messages

Hello again,

I'm sorry, I don't know why is that... They are under "détails de base".

Is there some other way I can send you my customer number, since this is a public chat?

Thank you.

Officiel VOO


4.8K  messages



Your profile was updated, and your customer number is there now.


The signal received by your modem isn't optimal. I'd suggest youplug/unplug the coaxial cable from your modem to the coaxial plug/NIU on the wall.


If the signal stays the same despite this manipulation, I'll have to send a technician.




8  messages


Thank you for your reply.

I was told to do the same by customer service before and that did not work, which is why they sent a technician.

I've already had 2 different technicians come and check and they did not solve the problem and I can't really take another half a day off just to wait for them to come and check again without being sure they'll be able to fix it this time round.

Could it be that the problem is on the outside (somewhere in the building, for example)? They never really checked anything outside my appartment and just claimed it was the modem causing the issue. I supose the easiest for them is to just change the modem and voilà, c'est fait ! And I keep having the same issues if not even worse than before.

Thank you.



8  messages

il y a 4 ans


Since I have had no response and no useful help from the customer service for so long, I would like to terminate my contract with VOO. Could you please proceed with the necessary procedures?

Thank you.



6.6K  messages



I don't understand your message. My colleague Antoine asked when you where available for one of our technician to come and fix your issue. He posted on July 16th. We've been waiting for your answer since then.


My guess is you did not see his message, but it's definitly not an absence of response and willingness to help on our side.


The offer still stands. :)


Ancien Officiel VOO



8  messages

il y a 4 ans

Hello Lionel,

Thank you for your message.

I did reply to your colleague, as you can see above (both his last message and my reply to that message were sent on July 15, and there have been no other messages until my message from yesterday). I've already written (twice) that I had had 2 technicians come to my place, who did nothing useful except for changing the modem (twice), which is obviously not creating the issue.

I would like to terminate my contract. I have sent an official email, so could you please let me know if that's enough or is there something else that I need to do? And how do I go about returning the equipment that belongs to VOO?

Thank you.



8  messages

il y a 4 ans


Well, I do not have that message in the message trail above... and I am also not receiving any message notifications although I marked I'd like to receive notifications in preferences.

Thank you. Could you please let them know to contact me via email as I cannot answer phone calls at work and I don't speak French anyway?

Thanks again.

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