1 message(s)
Transfer of Connection
Could you please advise if I can transfer this account to a new tenant in my house.
If transfer is possible, please let me know the procedure. Will the new contract person will be charged installation and activation charges?
Top Expert
22K messages
il y a 4 mois
No if i don't make a mistake, you need to cancel your subscription and the new tenant need to akk a new subsciption.
They are procedures but i don't think it applies to your case.
Changer le titulaire de mon abonnement
Déménagement, reprise, nouvelle installation VOO : quelles différences ?
Anyway, if not yet done, putt your customer number in your profile, the officials need it to give you a officiel answer.
Officiel VOO
5.9K messages
il y a 4 mois
Hello @rajangovind1311,
As indicated by @Marcs, several solutions are possible.
Usually, you need to submit a termination request for your products by contacting 04/266.41.14, and the person who will replace you in your residence will take a new subscription in their name.
The other solution is to fill out the contract transfer document (it must be filled out and signed by both parties).
We remain available if you need more information on the two proposals.