


10  messages

mercredi 2 novembre 2022 10:08

WiFi Package / Offer

I have reached out to VOO via the contact form several times and I still haven't received a phone call back regarding my Internet subscription. I initially signed up for service in August and they came to install early August, but they couldn't install. Then the end of September the issue was resolved, and they were able to successfully install. At that time, I inquired about the new offer...6 months discount and free activation and install, luckily, I was able to talk to someone who spoke English and he assured me my subscription would be updated to reflect the offer and it is standard to receive the best offer at the time of installation. However, my invoice doesn't reflect the current offer.What it reflects is a 60 Euros install and only 3 months discount (less 14 euros). I have tried to call and speak in French, and I am always told a colleague who speaks English will contact me, that hasn't happened and we are now in November and my bill is due tomorrow. I would really like some support here; I am frustrated because I can't cancel and go with another provider because we are now outside the 14-day window. I feel helpless. 

Solution acceptée

Officiel VOO


1.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @Nita,


No real question actually, I just wanted to be sure to understand the situation but after a nice discussion with other members, I understood it.


I know that the current discount is not the same as the one you have, they change almost every month and yes, sometimes the discount on the current month are better than the previous, sometimes not.


As I said previously, I will not have the possibility to replace your current discount by another, but instead, I can propose you to do a credit note of 60€ to cancel the installation fee that you already paid on the first bill.


Would this be OK for you ?


In total, you will have : activation fee (50€) and installation fee (60€) for free and a discount of 15€ during 3 months.


Solution acceptée

Officiel VOO


3.9K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @Nita,


As suggested, we can cancel the 60€ installation fee as a commercial gesture, but not the 54€ extra.



2.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @Nita ,

This is not an official reply as I am just a customer like you.

However, you have taken the right approach by writing on this forum because the contact form is the least reliable way to be in touch with VOO.

An official will get back to you once he/she has had a chance to look at your file.

In the mean time, please erase your customer number from your message and write it down in your profile so that only an official will see it. This info is confidential and should not be disclosed.



10  messages

il y a 2 ans

Thank you, I have removed my account number. 

Officiel VOO


1.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @Nita,


Sorry for the situation, I know that it's sometimes difficult to have someone who speak English by phone if you call our customer care number.

There is something "strange" in your explanation : you said that the offer that you ordered in August was a six months promotion but for the subscription you asked ("INTERNET SOLO MAX") the web deal at this moment was : Activation fee (50€) for free and a 15€ discount during 3 months. The installation fee (60€) was not included in the gift.
> This offer was in place from 28th June until 16th August and you did your order the 4th of August.


Did you receive a confirmation or a contract where the six months promotion is written ? How much was the discount ? Because on our website (where you did the order), the promotion was "Activation fee (50€) for free and a 15€ discount during 3 months", nothing more.




2.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @Simon B ,

Yes but the customer explained that the installation could not be completed in August.

The installation was finally completed in September and at that time, the promotion had changed (and should apply according to a phone call).

The question then is: what prevails when it comes to apply a discount, the order date or the installation date ?

Officiel VOO


1.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @theo2007,


Yes, that's probably the problem here. The discount is always the discount who was in place at the order date.

If @Nita wanted a new discount or new conditions, the best would have been to cancell the first order and make another one.


As the order was made at 4th of August, the subscription and the discount are linked with the conditions of this date.


As the contract as alteady started, we can't replace the "welcome gift" by an other unfortunatelly 😔


Officiel VOO


1.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

@carolooooo, je vais donc supprimer mon dernier commentaire pour éviter d'embrouiller tout le monde avec les codes promos 🤭


Si, nous pourrons peut-être faire quelque chose, je n'exclus pas cette possibilité. Je vais juste attendre que la cliente réponde à mon explication pour voir ce qu'elle en dit 😊



2.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi @Simon B ,

Thanks a lot for the clarification.

I guess someone at the 078 misunderstood the VOO "Terms and Conditions" and gave a wrong answer, hence wrong expectations for the customer.

Officiel VOO


1.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans

@theo2007 Yes, unfortunatelly.

As I said to @carolooooo, I'm waiting for @Nita's response and then will check if I can do something for the discount 🤞



10  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hi Simon @Simon B What is your question? 



10  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Simon B I subscribed online and the installation was not able to be completed.

I was not able to reschedule or cancel anything which I attempted to do multiple times.

I contacted VOO multiple times about why the installation couldn't be done and a supervisor finally called me and stated a key was need for the box and if possible could I contact ORES for the key since they haven't received a response.

I contacted them and out of the blue with no communication I receive an appointment for the install. I was elated, however, I went back online to see what the promotion was and the promotion as if I was scheduling or applying for that day and even today is....free installation and activation and a discount for 6 months. As such, I reached out again and actually got a gentleman who spoke English and he assured me I would receive that offer based on my installation date. He did not say it was based on the contract date.  The contract I initially received is different than the one sent in late October and it doesn't reflect the offer I was told I would receive. 




10  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Simon B   Here is the offer and it is for a Solo item - Giga.




10  messages

il y a 2 ans

@Simon B The contract sent to me on 17 Oct 22 is dated 30 Sep 22. It has the incorrect offer applied. 

Yes I did my order on 4 August and there was a contract for that time but it wasn't fulfilled.

If the online offer was the screenshot I provided and what I was told on the phone by VOO why wouldn't you honor this for the six month period? Especially since the initial offer was only valid from 28 Jun until 16 August. 

The failure of VOO to respond with 48 hours (which the online portal states) to my multiple inquiries submitted and the promise of a phone call back concerning the "six-month offer" within the 14-day grace period didn't allow me to utilize your cancellation policy if I wasn't able to get resolution.

However, I trusted what I was told and believe VOO should honor this in a form of a credit (€60 installation +  €52 (€14 x 3 for the months I won't receive the discount). I truly don't think this is about exchanging a welcome gift for another offer...it's more about correcting an error that was made and if you dig a little deeper, I think you will find a record of all my calls where I requested a call back with zero follow-up and you will find the inquiries I submitted on this topic. 


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