


14  messages

mercredi 11 mai 2022 11:58

Do you know if it is possible to cancel TV from your offer?


Recently my Duo facture was increased and it is now a bit too much. I would like to know if it is possible to cancel the TV subscription or get a discount option. 

I know other companies offer this kind of option but I wonder if Voo allows this.

Many thanks!

Top Expert


41.5K  messages

il y a 2 ans


To terminate a product or service, only by phone at 04 266 41 14 

Not possible here via de forum.



2.2K  messages

il y a 2 ans


You can switch to a SOLO solution (internet only).

Check this page

However, to cancel the DUO pack and switch to SOLO, you'll have to call the following number: 04 266 41 14 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm and Sat 9am-1pm)

Don't forget to cancel as well the so-called "télédistribution" (the monthly fee that gives you access to the tv signal)


Officiel VOO


3.9K  messages

il y a 2 ans

Hello @Melenchuk as well as to the members of this conversation,

I confirm what @roylion15 and @theo2007 said.

I am still available.

Nice day to all.

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