


1  message(s)

vendredi 20 janvier 2023 12:45

Problem with internet connection and modem

Dear sir/madam,

i have a problem with my modem and internet connection ever since Tuesday, 17th of January. I have tried what the smart assistance of voo told me but it did not work: the light of the modem does not turn from red to green no matter what i try.

i have issues with voo client service and help: i went to shop on Wednesday and they told me they cannot help me and i should call voo( which i already did in the morning but due to language issue, it did not work, and hence i ended up in the shop). 

Then i called again for help, first hoping to speak to someone who can help me in English. I had to wait for 20 minutes when they said they would connect me to their colleagues who speak english but noone was connected. Then, i tried again to speak french, and i was told that it wasn’t a problem with my modem but with an issue in my neighbourhood and they told me it would be fixed until 5 pm the same day. I also filled a form the same day explaining my situation, and received a reply same night mentioning the issues in the neighbourhood and the email indicated that the problem should be fixed now. However, it was not.

I called again the next day, on Thursday. First tried again with English speakers,  but noone was connected after waiting for so long. Then again, i tried in french but had to go to office and when they told me to follow the same steps of smart assistance de voo, I couldn’t. They told me to call once I am home again, even though i said i tried those steps.

once again, i have been trying to get help since this morning, waiting almost 35 to 40 min to talk someone who can speak English. Each time I try to speak french, it doesn’t work. I know this is also due to lack of my knowledge but even though i try, when they notice i struggle they tell me they would connect me to a colleague which never happens. 

i have also tried to reach someone from voo using messenger but no reply from there again. This is the last place I haven’t tried.

this is really my last resort. If i do not get help, i guess i should just switch my provider, since i find this ridiculous that for 3 days i am trying to get help, but it doesn’t work. 

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il y a 2 ans


I think you are on the best place to get help, the voo official speek better english than me 😏

If it's not yet done, put your customer number in your forum profile, without that they will not ba able to help you.

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